Sunday, March 21, 2010


My daughter had observed that I've been buying and reading mainly self-improvement and self-help book. "Why? Mummy." I explained that I want to be a better person. Here is a writing I extracted from a book by Guy Finley. It is intended to help shed light on the real source of unrest in our relationships:

The less we learn to long for - or depend upon -
Special understanding from others,
The less we will suffer for not receiving this.
The less we suffer over what others
Seem inapable of giving to us,
The less unhappy will we find ourselves
In these unanswered moments of our lives
Spent in the company of friends and foes alike.
The less pain we have over what live appears to deny us,
The more at peace we naturally become with ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. "Hmmmmmmm.... Something's fishy... Why are u reading those books?" asked Alyssa.
    "It's because I want to develope intop a better person. Will that make you happier?" explained Mummy (Jessica)
    "YES!" exclaimed Alyssa
